Lefthouse spotlight | 1000 YT subs

2 min readMay 9, 2021


What a week we have upon us. In the midst of ATH’s across the markets we are on the verge of a $LEFT milestone, an ATH of our own. The Upland Action News is on the cusp of 1000 subscribers, in the same week our host Lefthouse is the featured artist in The Upland Artist Spotlight series with a 24hr Auction taking place this Friday May14th on Open Sea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki7o-zUB-fE

While we have been building the house, Rabbit Hole Lefty met a new friend, Oscar The Owl! Oscar has presented an offering once The Upland Action News reaches 1000 subscribers https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/asset/1099515272099

Oscar, how many subs does it take to get to the center of a Lefty $Left Rabbit Hole?

The offering rules are this:

Reach 1000 YT subs by this Friday May 14th. Once the target is met we will spin the wheel for mint #9 Smart Owl MM (listed at 10000 wax). If the threshold is met during broadcast we spin that episode, if off air we spin the very next episode. You will have to be present to enter, win and prove the winning address after wheel spin.

It’s a celebration all week long! We will delve a little deeper into the artist Lefthouse. Hit a major goal in growing the community and spin the wheel with an amazing 1000 subs grand prize Oscar The Owl NFT.

Oscar The Owl presented by:

Smart Digital Payments: https://smartdigitalpayments.com/ #sdp #smartdigitalpayments #sdpowls

Upland Action News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN45ZeLq9Btw0X0WOamWtcA





Written by LeftHouse

LeftHouse is a film, music, art, fueled social money token issued by Roll. $LEFT is designed to help the artistic and creative.

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